Intro to Ayurveda: health and cyclical living
Ayurveda is an ancient medical system that comes from India. The word is blend of 2 sanskrit words/concepts: ayur (life), and veda (knowledge). It is the science or knowledge of life. If you have some yoga philosophy background, you might recognize the word veda as it also refers to the most ancient texts of yoga. No matter what style or lineage of yoga you practice…

Lunar Illuminations #1, the importance of cyclical living
Our philosophy at Yoga Luna revolves around the idea that we are all cyclical beings. This means that our bodies (and minds, and every layer of us) are subject to the ever-changing influences of life as it moves in cyclical rhythms. These cycles include the very small cycles of the heartbeat and breath to the large cycles of the seasons we move through every year. The amazing thing about these cycles is that they all follow a similar pattern, and so each can provide us with a “map” of the others.